uMkhaya Education Project

uMkhaya is a term used to refer to someone who is your homie, it is also one of the tree indigenous tree (a member of the acacia family) of uMhlabuyalingana. This tree is the bird’s favorite when it comes to building nests. It’s thorns make it hard for predators to have access to the eggs or chicks.

We have 2 children that we currently sponsor to go to school, it is our belief that uMkhaya Education Fund shelters these children through a provision of a good quality of education and healthy meals. This program was Established in 2022 and since, we have discovered a lot of challenges that our two pioneer learners are facing, we are doing our best to educate their family on how to best support them and the school is providing support to these learners.

The costs of supporting these two children is around R50 000 per annum. We encourage you to donate to this course and use “UMkhaya and your name” as a reference. We welcome monthly contributions and once-off payments. Click Donate Tab for account details or a Zapper code.