Funda Mfundi Reading and Literacy Project

This program aims to help learners, first at Hambisanani high school and later neighboring schools improve their reading and general literacy. We currently have two schools that we work with: Habisanani High School and Gadokuwayo Primary School.

At Hambisanani the focus is to aid language teachers with reading resources and reading techniques. The program will be rolled out with the grade 8s of 2023 and monitored over the years. The program has gone through a series of stages, firstly we have appointed a project manager who help managed the renovation of the old library, design the programme, launch it and lead it forward. The summary of the stages that we have completed is listed below, with the final stage being continuous:

  • Library renovation
  • Identification of learner’s reading levels through reading tests
  • Procurement of relevant reading materials that meet the needs of the learners.
  • Training reading Group Leaders and forming groups.
  • Reading from one level to the next.

At Gadokuwayo Primary reading in the ECD is part of their academic program however there is a shortage of good story books. We collect bedtime story books from families that have older children and transport them down to Manguzi. The school manages the reading program, we provide resources and help where possible to look after the books. Any surplus of books can be given to neighboring primary schools namely, Libuyile Primary and Thengane Full Service.


We are excited to have her lead Funda Mfundi and grateful for her contribution thus far. We Encourage you to support this programme, you may donate money on a monthly bases or a once-off payment. Click “Donate Tab” for account details or a Zapper code.

This is Nomfundo Biyela, a past pupil of Hambisanani High School. She is the Librarian and project manager for the Funda Mfundi Reading Program. Nomfundo studied Public Management. She has worked as a Facilitator at Richfield Institute of Technology for 5 years. She brings a number of talents to the program, she has experience in Agriculture and Rural Development.

Nomfundo has been an integral part of Funda Mfundi from it’s inception. She was involved in the renovations of the old library, evaluating the suitable IsiZulu and English books for the learners. She has gone through a two week training on how to run a library at Hilton College.